
Attending Agri-Food Tech Expo Asia next week?

By October 21, 2022No Comments

Attending Agri-Food Tech Expo Asia next week?

Join Si Si Wong on a panel discussion of what are the top trends and innovations in the food space for 2023.

Join us on DAY 1, the 26th Oct, from 230pm to 3pm at SandBox 1, Agri-Food Tech Expo Asia to be part of the conversation.

Register yourself a seat today!

#AFTEA #AFTEA22 #AgrifoodTechExpoAsia #Constellar #foodtech #b2b #upstreamfoodindustry #foodsustainability#foodsecurity #futurefoods #agtech #agrifood #exhibition #singapore #regional #agvolution #agvolutionforthefuture

Futura Ingredients

Author Futura Ingredients

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